
Choose your excavator’s grapple from our selection based on your purposes. We sell grapples for all excavator work purposes, such as demolition, sorting and loading. High-class equipment makes working smooth and effortless. Different sized grapples are made for delicate work and for example Finnish Vahva-grapples manage loads up to 6000kg. Fill your grapple with separate attachments, such as several kinds of claws for different purposes to maximize your work rate and -quality.
By purchasing from Latenkone, we manage to offer you an affordable machine financig and attachment’s change – bring us your old machine and keep up your work with brand new!
Visit our place to check out our attachments for excavators, or contact us and ask more.

Choose your excavator's grapple from our selection based on your purposes. We…


Showing 1–50 of 80 results

Avauma (mm)
Huulileveys (mm)
Puristusvoima (Kn)
Paine (bar)
5957Dala-Gripen DGE 12 Excavator grapple S30/150110043078045060 kg
6092Dala-Gripen DGE 12 Excavator grapple S30/18010002644603560 kg
6107Dala-Gripen DGE 12 Excavator grapple S40110043078045060 kg
5964Dala-Gripen DGE 12 grapple110043078045056 kg
5958Dala-Gripen DGE 20 Excavator grapple S401100430780450105 kg
5962Dala-Gripen DGE 20 grapple110043078045088 kg
6091Dala-Gripen DGE 25 Excavator grapple S451100430780450165 kg
6063Dala-Gripen DGE 25 grapple1100430780450145 kg
6399Dala-Gripen DGE 28 Excavator grapple S451435430126250195 kg
6183Dala-Gripen DGE 28 grapple1435430126250195 kg
6187Dala-Gripen DGE 35 Excavator grapple S60182016029250275 kg
6184Dala-Gripen DGE 35 grapple1820495160250275 kg
6206Dala-Gripen DGS 39 Demolition grapple S601100430780450700 kg
5959Dala-Gripen DGS 39 Demolition grapple S701100430780450700 kg
6207Dala-Gripen DGS 42 Demolition grapple S7023559553323501025 kg
1603Laten Demolition grapple KH-11100430780450150 kg
6102Laten Demolition grapple KH-1 S401100430780450150 kg
1604Laten Demolition grapple KH-2200 kg
6103Laten Demolition grapple KH-2 S45200 kg
1602Laten Demolition grapple KH-313005801100550300 kg
6104Laten Demolition grapple KH-3 S4513005801100550300 kg
6105Laten Demolition grapple KH-3 S6013005801100550300 kg
2320Laten Demolition grapple KH-600 NTP-10´13006001100550410 kg
3667Vahva K15 S30/150 Excavator grapple121580725290121 kg
3668Vahva K15 S30/180 Excavator grapple121580725290121 kg
1290Vahva K15 S40 Excavator grapple121580725290121 kg
6077Vahva K21 S50 Excavator grapple154 kg
2519Vahva K21 Lännen Le Excavator grapple136070750355158 kg
1187Vahva KC21 E4 S45 Excavator grapple134590820375154 kg
2679Vahva KC21 GJ300 Excavator grapple136070750355158 kg
3450Vahva KC21 S45 Excavator grapple134590820375166 kg
2342Vahva KC30 S45 Excavator grapple169095960475290 kg
5006Vahva KC36 Excavator grapple QS60 EC-Oil1770951005506430 kg
1692Vahva KC36 NTP10 Excavator grapple1770951005506410 kg
1744Vahva KC36 S60 Excavator grapple1770951005506400 kg
5011Vahva KC46 Excavator grapple QS60-EC-Oil2000130930580520 kg
5013Vahva KC46 Excavator grapple QS70-EC-Oil20001301130566570 kg
2391Vahva KC46 NTP10 Excavator grapple20001301130566500 kg
2383Vahva KC46 NTP20 Excavator grapple20001301130566560 kg
3383Vahva KC46 S60 Excavator grapple20001301130566515 kg
2384Vahva KC46 S70 Excavator grapple20001301130566535 kg
1912Vahva KC36 E7 NTP10 Excavator grapple178095955625475 kg
5015Vahva KC36 E7 Excavator grapple QS60 EC-Oil178095955625465 kg
2522Vahva KC36 E7 S60 Excavator grapple178095955625465 kg
1911Vahva KC42 E5 NTP10 Excavator grapple19551301130850580 kg
1534Vahva KC42 E9 NTP10 Excavator grapple19551301130840720 kg
1813Vahva KC42 E9 NTP20 Excavator grapple19551301130850780 kg
5017Vahva KC42 E9 Excavator grapple QS70 EC-Oil19551301130850785 kg
2816Vahva KC42 E9 S70 Excavator grapple19551301130850755 kg
2385Vahva Demolition jaws KC36 E7195 kg