Hydraulic pallet forks

Hydraulic pallet forks are designed especially for frontloaders, but they are also suitable for other work machines. Pallet forks have different names depending on their features and model. You get only high-class pallet forks from us, and they aren’t suitable for only contracting but also for professional use.
From Latenkone you’ll find pallet forks for 2500-8000kg tonnage. If you need bigger lifting capacity, check out mechanical pallet forks. Our most common adapters are for Caterpillar, JCB, Kramer, Volvo and Manitou. We also manufacture our own lifters and forks, which can be ordered with any common adapter or without the adapter at all.
Check out our selection’s other attachments.
Bring your old attachment and change it to a brand-new one! Latenkone forwards used pallet forks which are quality-checked before resale. We also manage to offer an affordable financing when buying a new machine.
Take a look at pallet forks’ selection on the website, or come to Tuuri’s office to see them yourself.

Hydraulic pallet forks are designed especially for frontloaders, but they…


Showing 1–50 of 75 results

Kantavuus (kg)
Kelkkaleveys (mm)
Haarukan pituus (mm)
Haarukan koko (mm/mm)
Haarukoiden kiinnitys
5781Laten Hydraulic Pallet Fork 1,5ton 100/110cm Avant150012001200100×40FEM2A186 kg
5782Laten Hydraulic Pallet Fork 1,5ton 100/110cm Kramer 180-350250012001200100×40FEM2A186 kg
2392Laten Hydraulic Pallet Fork 2,5ton 120/120cm Euro250012001200100×40FEM2A186 kg
1108Laten Hydraulic Pallet Fork 2,5ton 120/120cm without coupling250012001200100×40FEM2A170 kg
3493Volvo Hydraulic Pallet Fork 2,5ton 120/120cm Volvo L30250012001200100×40FEM2A191 kg
5001Laten Hydraulic Pallet Fork 2,5ton 120/150cm Euro250012001500100×40FEM2A186 kg
5002Laten Hydraulic Pallet Fork 2,5ton 120/150cm without coupling250012001500100×40FEM2A170 kg
5044Laten Hydraulic Pallet Fork 2,5ton 120/150cm L30250012001500100×40FEM2A186 kg
3998Laten Hydraulic Pallet Fork 2,5ton 150/120cm Euro250015001200100×40FEM2A185 kg
5048Laten Hydraulic Pallet Fork 2,5ton 150/120cm without coupling250015001200100×40FEM2A185 kg
3787LMG Hydraulic Pallet Fork 2,5ton 150/120cm sideshift without coupling250015001200100×40Rulla255 kg
5000Laten Hydraulic Pallet Fork 2,5ton 150/150cm Euro250015001500100×40FEM2A185 kg
6007Laten Hydraulic Pallet Fork 2,5ton 150/120cm Volvo L20-25250015001200100×40FEM2A184 kg
1838Laten Hydraulic Pallet Fork 3,5ton 150/120cm without coupling350015001200125×50FEM3A259 kg
6096Laten Hydraulic Pallet Fork 3,5ton 150/120cm Euro350015001200125×50FEM3A325 kg
6098Laten Hydraulic Pallet Fork 3,5ton 150/150cm Euro350015001500125×50FEM3A325 kg
5004Volvo Hydraulic Pallet Fork 3,5ton 150/120cm Volvo L30350015001200125×50FEM3A325 kg
1839Laten Hydraulic Pallet Fork 3,5ton 150/150cm without coupling350015001500125×50FEM3A289 kg
2587Kramer Hydraulic Pallet Fork 3,5ton 150/150cm Kramer 380-580350015001500125×50FEM3A343 kg
3382Volvo Hydraulic Pallet Fork 3,5ton 150/150cm Volvo L30350015001500125×50FEM3A325 kg
5301LMG Hydraulic Pallet Fork 4ton 150/120cm sideshift without coupling400015001200150×50Rulla544 kg
5307LMG Hydraulic Pallet Fork 4ton 150/120cm sideshift Kramer 380-580400015001200150×50Rulla544 kg
5306LMG Hydraulic Pallet Fork 4ton 150/120cm sideshift L30400015001200150×50Rulla544 kg
5302LMG Hydraulic Pallet Fork 4ton 150/150cm sideshift without coupling400015001500150×50Rulla544 kg
5308LMG Hydraulic Pallet Fork 4ton 150/150cm sideshift Kramer 380-580400015001500150×50Rulla544 kg
5305LMG Hydraulic Pallet Fork 4ton 150/150cm sideshift L30400015001500150×50Rulla544 kg
5303LMG Hydraulic Pallet Fork 4ton 150/180cm sideshift without coupling400015001800150×50Rulla544 kg
5309LMG Hydraulic Pallet Fork 4ton 150/180cm sideshift Kramer 380-580400015001800150×50Rulla544 kg
5304LMG Hydraulic Pallet Fork 4ton 150/180cm sideshift L30400015001800150×50Rulla544 kg
5770Bobcat Hydraulic Pallet Fork 5ton 150/120cm PIN Bobcat500015001200125×50PIN320 kg
2390Caterpillar Hydraulic Pallet Fork 5ton 150/120cm PIN Caterpillar500015001200125×50PIN325 kg
2388JCB Hydraulic Pallet Fork 5ton 150/120cm PIN JCB Q-fit500015001200125×50PIN310 kg
5158Volvo Hydraulic Pallet Fork 5ton 150/120cm PIN L40-L45500015001200125×50PIN413 kg
2389Laten Hydraulic Pallet Fork 5ton 150/120cm PIN Manitou500015001200125×50PIN320 kg
3494Merlo Hydraulic Pallet Fork 5ton 150/120cm PIN Merlo ZM2500015001200125×50PIN379 kg
1505Volvo Hydraulic Pallet Fork 5ton 150/120cm PIN Volvo BM500015001200125×50PIN290 kg
5771Bobcat Hydraulic Pallet Fork 5ton 150/150cm PIN Bobcat500015001500125×50PIN320 kg
3205Volvo Hydraulic Pallet Fork 5ton 150/150cm PIN L40-L45500015001500125×50PIN413 kg
5150Merlo Hydraulic Pallet Fork 5ton 150/150cm PIN Merlo ZM2500015001500125×50PIN379 kg
657Volvo Hydraulic Pallet Fork 5ton 150/150cm PIN Volvo BM500015001500125×50PIN320 kg
4718LMG Hydraulic Pallet Fork 5ton 200/120cm sideshift without coupling500020001200150×50Rulla544 kg
3786LMG Hydraulic Pallet Fork 5ton 200/120cm sideshift Volvo BM500020001200150×50Rulla544 kg
4991LMG Hydraulic Pallet Fork 5ton 200/150cm sideshift without coupling500020001500150×50Rulla544 kg
4711LMG Hydraulic Pallet Fork 5ton 200/150cm sideshift Volvo BM500020001500150×50Rulla544 kg
4990LMG Hydraulic Pallet Fork 5ton 200/180cm sideshift without coupling500020001800150×50Rulla544 kg
4712LMG Hydraulic Pallet Fork 5ton 200/180cm sideshift Volvo BM500020001800150×50Rulla544 kg
1537Volvo Hydraulic Pallet Fork 8ton 200/120cm PIN Volvo BM800020001200165×60PIN679 kg
4969Volvo Hydraulic Pallet Fork 8ton 200/120cm sideshift Volvo BM800020001200150×65Rulla679 kg
4984Volvo Hydraulic Pallet Fork 8ton 200/150cm PIN 11ton Volvo BM800020001500170×70PIN726 kg
1836Volvo Hydraulic Pallet Fork 8ton 200/150cm PIN Volvo BM800020001500165×60PIN726 kg