Snow buckets

Snow buckets from our big selection. Also frontloader’s buckets for many other purposes. Our sleectin has buckets with many widths and in several size classes. Snow buckets and frontloader’s buckets in our stock come with EURO- and/or VILA-adapter. Other adapters are available with a delivery time of 7 days. Bucket’s rear shape is circular. Because of that bucket fills faster and materials getting stuck is reduced. Inside of the bucket is rounded and the outside has as sharp corner, and they together form a hingeless structure.

Buckets’ features
  • 16 mm or 20 mm Hardox 500 wear edge makes sure that the snow bucket lasts even in a tough use.
  • The buckets have vertical bottom rails in the direction of travel (2-8 pieces depending on the model).
  • Rear panel has been inclined at 10 degree angle to achieve better work angles
Check out Latenkone’s basic buckets and gravel buckets for frontloaders.

Snow buckets from our big selection. Also frontloader's buckets for…

Showing all 10 results

Leveys (mm)
Syvyys (mm)
Korkeus (mm)
Tilavuus (m3)
Ainevahvuus (mm)
6295LMG Snow bucket 200cm/1,2m3 Euro2000113010201,25331 kg
6293LMG Snow bucket 200cm/1,2m3 Vila2000113010201,25331 kg
6301LMG Snow bucket 200cm/1,2m3 without coupling2000113010201,25331 kg
6297LMG Snow bucket 220cm/1,3m3 Euro2200113010201,35363 kg
6294LMG Snow bucket 220cm/1,3m3 Vila2200113010201,35363 kg
6303LMG Snow bucket 220cm/1,3m3 without coupling2200113010201,35363 kg
4472LMG Front loader snow bucket 240cm/1,7m3 Euro2400102011501,665420 kg
4581LMG Front loader snow bucket 240cm/1,7m3 Vila2400102011501,665420 kg
4606LMG Front loader snow bucket 270cm/1,9m3 Euro2700102011501,865450 kg
4607LMG Front loader snow bucket 270cm/1,9m3 Vila2700102011501,865450 kg