Tree Shears

Energy grapples are versatile and quick-to-use accessories for excavators, and they are meant to harvest and load energy wood. The entire harvesting process is succeeded with an energy grapple; the grapple grabs the tree, cuts it and drags it down for pick up. You can also use the same grapple to load the fallen trees, which saves you from changing the accessory between work steps. Energy grapple is durable and high-quality, as well a good choice for even more challenging conditions.

Take a look at our selection and choose an energy grapple, that suits your purpose and the machine you’re using. We sell energy grapples in several sizes, so you can measure the work efficiency just right. If you need any help with choosing a suitable energy grapple, contact our sellers or visit our shop to get to know the machines!

Energy grapples are versatile and quick-to-use accessories for excavators, and they…


Showing all 9 results

Maksimi avauma
Katkaisu halkaisija
Sylinterin työntövoima / 250 bar
5609Laten Tree shear 200 S40785 mm20 cm196 kg196 kg
5608Laten Tree shear 250 S45930 mm25 cm350 kg370 kg
5610Laten Tree shear 250 S60930 mm25 cm360 kg396 kg
5611Laten Tree shear 250 NTP10930 mm25 cm452 kg452 kg
5612Laten Tree shear 250 blank930 mm25 cm335 kg335 kg
5617Laten Tree shear 250 blade5 kg
5618Laten Tree shear 200 blade5 kg
6319Laten Tree shear 200 collector15 kg
6320Laten Tree shear 250 collector30 kg